Saturday, November 19, 2011

another weekend field trip! part 2, nature

an archaeologist looking for something..
Calluna vulgaris

another weekend field trip! part 1, grave field

the weather was in our favor, this weekend as well. We went out before lunch, Sofi and i, to the grave field of our dreams. The sun tried its hardest to shine on us. Sofi is in the pictures. the grave field is from 1500-500 B.C, which is bronze age. This field trip lasted 3 hours as well, just as last saturday's. We loved everything.
go big or go home, they seemed to say.
opened and plundered grave cairn with a stone cist in the center.
from prehistory with love.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

obbola, part 1. crispy sunny sunday, perfect for a small field trip.

It should have been winter for a month now. But there is still autumn in this country, so, the archaeologist's in us saw a great opportunity to use this day for something really good. Sofi and I packed hot cocoa and went 10 km south of Umeå, out to the town of obbola by the coast to see the grave cairns that are there, which we haven't been to before. We started early in the day, when the sun was the brightest. it was lovely.
three iron age grave cairns.

While we were walking around in the forest, we saw some other ancient monuments. We spent 3 hours out there, mostly wandering around following some random trail, because at first we couldn't find the exact location of the grave field. ie. there was no good road signs for it. we kind of knew where it would be, but not how to get there, so we walked a little bit far too south of it. luckily the forest there at obbola has water on both sides, so there was no chance for us getting completely lost. we were actually really close to the site before we finally found it!

medieval seal hunter's house foundations. swe: tomtning

part 2 and 3 below

obbola, part 2, shingle beach with man-made pits.

obbola, part 3. nature.
