Sunday, May 13, 2007

excursion around the city of sundsvall, part 2

norrlands largest grave field at Högom, Sundsvall.

Tuna had lots of different sites:
us, as postholes. foto: sofi.


hill fort:

me, linnéa and elisabet.

view from the  hill fort

Gene, iron age settlement:
the older and younger long houses at gene.

cooking pit, gene

gravemound, gene

a house over a house, gene

the big house of iron working at the settlement, gene

bronze age cairns :
(there was also a stone ship at this site)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

excursion around the city of sundsvall, part 1

B-course in Archaeology. We got to see lots of different ancient monuments. it was very exciting to get out and search the landscape to spot them. I can't remember the names of the places.

partly dried lake with house foundations and hearths:

foto: sofi.

hearth? we saw lots of these hearth formations. an asbestos pot sherd was found, which is to be expected in this northern part of sweden.
a long cocking pit(?) by a lake:

a lot of slagg (iron production site) by the same lake as the cocking pit above. :

slagg. awesome!