Friday, July 23, 2010


the only medieval stone church from 1100 a.d in the scandinavian fells. foton tagna med holga 135 kamera.

en av västerbottens läns två hällmålningsplatser.

på hemvägen från Åre så stannade jag faktiskt till vid hällmålningarna som finns mellan Dorotea och Åsele. Hur kan man inte. Målningarna är rätt så otydliga, men nån älg kan man se. informationstavlan var väldigt hjälpsam. fortsätter man 200 meter på grusvägen så finns där fångstgropar! Det är tydligt skyltat hela vägen fram till dem.

hällen ligger fint till på ett litet berg, med en sjö och några mindre berg nedanför. platsen hade även kvällssol. mysigt! säkert väldigt fin utsikt från hällen om träden inte funnits, då kunde man troligen se sjön. såklart man valde att måla på duk där. hade jag också gjort. väldigt fint område.. jag trivdes.

ser jag älgarna? haha näe! jo en!

translation: on my way home from Åre i stoped to see one of västerbottens two rock paintings. the area was very nice, overlooking a lake and evening sun set. there is also trapping pits 200 meters from the paintings. see picture nr 2 for english explanation of the rock paintings.

Monday, July 12, 2010

some food outdoors.

it was hazels last day in sweden today, so we had some grillning by the lake this evening. good weather. we were here last fall too. the sun never really sets here in the summertime, so it is bright all night long. LOVE IT!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


last month I took Hazel out to here and here to show her what Umeå looked like during the Bronze Age. I wanted her to know something about Umeå before she went back to England! these grave mounds are located where the bronze age sea level was, which was higher than it is today. that wide river is today smaller, almost tiny and still runs through Umeå, coming from the sea going all the way up to the mountains near norway, because of this the grave mounds are found further inland today on both sides of the river. there is also a group of mounds behind the university.

There isn't a whole lot to actually SEE here in Umeå, so these mounds are great cuz you get a picture of how the landscape looked back then. they are also located on small hills, now uplifted in the landscape naturally. very pretty and protected! i like that they still have their place in the world this way and that you can still sense the ideas of the people who built them, (instead of being in the deep forest where no one will ever see them) it is really cool. time just stands still at these places! it's awesome. the settlements of the mound builders are not found yet (further inland it is the opposite, settlements but no graves. hm hm hm?).

i wrote all of this only in english, don't have time to write it twice in two languages today! if you can read swedish you can read english ;)

i didnt take any photos on this day, but there are plenty in the links above.